The Family Center is very excited to share that we are offering a new program called “Praying with Our Feet!” Here is a short blurb:
This one-day urban immersion retreat is structured so that people can create connections with East St. Louis: its history, its present reality, and its people. Participants will challenge the dominant narrative of East St. Louis by meeting and spending time with residents, wrestle with the contemporary challenges in East St. Louis by first contextualizing its history, and discern their personal and collective responsibility to take action and to “pray with their feet.”
The one-day retreat can be modified slightly to meet the needs of each group. If you are connected with a school, church, or neighborhood group that would be interested in attending a retreat at the Family Center, contact us at 618-875-7295 or [email protected] for more information!
You can check out our informational flyer right here.